Monday, February 14, 2011

Skeletons Are Gross

It has come to my attention that there is something very strange with the world. Actually, I have always known but never really gave it any thought until today. I started really thinking about it when I realized the messed up way we've been socialized. It all started when my teacher and I were talking about pasta. Strange, right? I told her about how much I love fettuccine shrimp alfredo. (The best pasta dish in the world)

I expected she would then tell me about the pasta dish she craved, but instead, she shook her head in sort of a disbelieving way. "You don't look like you've eaten a single pasta in your life." I was almost lost for words. I was having such a good time talking about the Italian restaurant I went to over the weekend. My teacher and I were already disagreeing with something completely unrelated, (apparently I'm really good at pant roles) so I thought, 'Hey! We all eat food!'. But no. This conversation didn't work either. I spent a good two minutes defending my lanky body by explaining some excuses for my disproportions. "Oh well actually, I eat a lot, even though I don't look like I do, haha, plus I do have a high metabolism!" Oh my God, I wanted to die. What was even worse was she tried to compliment me by saying I looked like I could model. Now, it wouldn't have been a big deal if she had just started with that in the first place, but saying that after suggesting that I don't eat doesn't work at all. Lots of models have eating disorders which i do not have, (unless eating an unnatural amount of cheese counts) which brings me to my point. Why on earth do people think it's wrong to say "Hey fatso! Lay off the chips!", but it's perfectly fine say, "My gosh! Do you ever eat?! You're so skinny!" Let's think about this for a moment. Someone who doesn't eat for quite a while probably wouldn't look like me but would look like this:
Hmmm. Looks dead to me but maybe she's just sleeping. Now, In case you are confused. I look like this:

See?! I have skin and energy! Some of the few things that food provides, so, yay, your question has been answered, random lady from the grocery store! I eat food! Now you are probably wondering why I'm blogging so ferociously about one little event. Well, this one has simply pushed me over the edge. While I've been polite not to say anything about people's bodies at all, everywhere I go, somebody just has to comment on my 'small physique'. When I was much younger, I used to be even thinner, (ahh my awkward stage). I worked at a small grocery store as a warehouse worker. At the time, I felt unfit cause I was so small, but I was able to do the same work as the others so there was absolutely no reason for this next event.

As I was putting up some olive oils on the shelf, a man, that came to the store often that we all knew, started walking by my area. He reached up, with no warning and pinched my arm. "Girl, you need to put some meat on those bones! Eating lots of potatoes will help!" Forget the fact that I nearly fell off my ladder; he is a grown man commenting on a fifteen year old's body. That's not rude or anything. It's not like I was going through puberty, I just desperately need 'meat on those muscles', so of course it's only natural for people to come to your rescue and prescribe potatoes.

Is this enough, Mr. Creepy?!

  Anyway, the point. People! Stop commenting on people's bodies! It's rude no matter what body type they have! We all feel insecure about our bodies, but being made to feel unhealthy really is a bummer. We are all beautiful people who deserve to feel good in their skin! Now I'm gonna eat some cookies.

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