Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wow! New Exotic Flower Just Discovered!

Isn't it beautiful?!

The Death Lily!

It was first found near the swamps of South Florida. Scientists gave it its names because of its black-like streaks that appear on its petals. It also has a foul smell that scientists think may be more potent then the stench of the Titan Arum, known as the largest and stinkiest flower in the world. Tests are still being done though.

The Titan Arum! Scary, isn't it?! 

Soooo, did I fool you guys? If so, then yay! If not, you all are a bunch of smart cookies! The first flower is fake. It is actually a regular smelling, normal color flower I took a picture of when I was walking around on my college campus! The other one is real though and thank goodness it is no where near us. This flower has been known to knock people out. (With its smell, not its petals.) It's not like it means to though. It was born that way (or grown, I guess). Poor Titan, born to repel all living things for eternity. Or maybe it likes it that way. It could be reclusive. In that case, it's the luckiest plant-life on Earth! After all, it's probably better to think positively about it's situation.

So, you may be asking why I went to all that trouble of creating a fake flower just to trick you. Well, really, I just wanted to show off this flower. I'm very proud of my work on it. I actually learned how to photo shop pictures back in high school when I first only took the class because my teacher was this young, graduate student who my entire class could not keep their eyes off of. He was extremely handsome! And he was one of those shy students, too, that got a little timid around girls. It was an all girls' school too, so there was no escaping that. I did learn a lot from him though. He even taught us how to take your parents' heads and switch them on to the opposite bodies. It was so cool! Unfortunately, all I can remember is how to change the color of parts of the picture. So here is another example of what you can do with photo shop.

Look! It's the Purple Orca and it's baby!

Actually, young child, it is the Red Orca! It only looks purple because it's under water. This species of orca is slightly smaller than the rest of its cousins and it's the only known species of whale that is poisonous. That's right! You heard me! It's poisonous, so don't go tickling this whale's tongue no matter how much it begs, because it will send you to the bottom of the ocean faster than you can yell, "Betrayal!"

 Don't touch it! It's a trap!

Ahhh, I love photo shop! It's a shame though that these living things do not exist. I find my flower to be quite beautiful and interesting, and I think the poisonous orca would really put a twist on life. While these freaks of nature do not exist; however, there has been a recent discovery of this entire habitat hosting all these never-before-seen animals. These are probably the strangest, most unique animals to have been recently found. Like there's this colorful dove:

The Fruit Dove

And a very large, but friendly, new species of rat:

The Bosavi Woolly Rat

And some strange black and yellow caterpillars that make themselves look like a snake:

 The Black and Yellow Noctuid Caterpillars

All these species and more were found in an old, volcano called, Mount Bosavi, located in Papua, New Guinea. It's just amazing, to me, that these creatures were hidden from us for so long. I don't know if you can tell but I'm a real sucker for things like this. If you are like me, and are thinking, 'Wow! I want to know more!" Well you can, because here is the link to the article and to the series of pictures!

Anyway, that's all that was on my mind today. I have completely emptied out my brain for you so I won't be back until it's filled again new awesomeness! Tataa!

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